out of curiosity

curiosity sprung from various…

I’m a late bloomer… July 17, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — katekk @ 7:45 pm

…to the blogging. But I’m just going to jump in like I’ve always done it, much like I tend to do with many things (such as dancing, which has, quite mercifully, remarkably improved in the past few years. don’t get too excited though, I’m probably not ready for music videos yet). See, like many people nowadays, I spend much of my time behind the computer and often have perhaps a bit too much time to wander the internets and find amazing things. Normally, I’ll comment on such amazing articles/pictures/videos/whathaveyou to my friends via the email or chat. Then I thought I’d quit with the mass emails and just do this. I’m very torn between the names for this blog, between “out of curiosity” and “this is just to say.” They’re both totally stolen phrases (of course, what isn’t now, really), so that doesn’t help me much. Ow my faux carpal tunnel is already acting up, time for stretchin the quarter-century fingers…


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