out of curiosity

curiosity sprung from various…

gymnastics jump n’ bend too far August 13, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — katekk @ 10:53 am
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I think I’m getting old maybe for real. Late 4am nights now kill me, I can’t drink as much as I used to, I have numerous doctor appointments a month (mostly because I’m injured right now, but still), and now… I think gymnastics is creepy. Like, I found it hard to watch last night, as the Americans were in fierce competition with the Chinese, and the American girls kept on crying, especially after it became obvious they’d only (ahem, only?) gain a silver and not The Gold. I kept thinking, they’re *children*, right? I know this isn’t a revolutionary thought, but when I was younger it was more like, “Wow that girl is only 2 years younger than me and is on the TV olympics..” Now it just freaks me out. I can’t imagine having a kid and at the ripe age of 13, or however old most of them are, they’re subjecting themselves to such pressure–not to mention the physical demands (who can DO these things??). And it’s all so normalized now. The commentators on NBC and such, it’s all treated with such objectivity (whoops, 8/10ths of a point there, Jim). I know that sports in general are getting more and more so intense and over-life-taking, but this sport seems to make it the most overt to me somehow. If there’s t-ball at the next olympics (despite softball having been cut, but anyway), I may hold a protest sign! Wow I am an old lady, “But think of the CHILD-ren!”